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Mind Body Spirit

How ex-pats and
oriented people 
Become free from homesick, pain and
stress-related health issues. 


Mind/body start kit.

Connecting to your body with kindness, compassion and curiosity.

Developing intimacy with yourself.

When you begin to choose from what you KNOW, instead of what you THINK, you align with your nature and embrace health, beauty and wealth.


Trigger point &

Connective Tissue Flexibility

     Release Pain

     Removing blockages



The most important you make is how you perceive the world around you. Your perception creates your reality, it's health, prosperity love and fulfilment.
I am here to help you change your inner perspective and live an abundant life.

  • Become more aware and present with the Life Energy in your body

  • Receive yourself/be with yourself without judgement or agenda.

  • Willpower is not the way. It is not about how to force yourself or to take more action.          


There is a loving and soft and kinder way, for women.

You are a receiver from nature. 


Through mind/body connection you can thrive in another way versus conclusion, judgement, or suppression. 


                          Mind/Body/Spirit Connection. 

                           Feminine/Masculine Energy.


Realize your dreams and ambitions without pain or stress related health issues..


Allergy, Restrictive beliefs, Awareness, Blockages, Burn out, Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue, Body wisdom Intimacy with the self, Self-esteem, Emotional blockages, Energy shortage, Lifeless, Fybromyalgia, Physical complaints, Behavior patterns, Headache and migraine, Insight, Physical complaints , Physical stress, Perfectionism, Personal development, Back and neck complaints, Optimizing the Autoimmune system.

                             Egelantiersgracht 362
                                        1015 RR Amsterdam
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