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   Become more aware and present with

            the Life Energy in your body

   Receive yourself/be with yourself without                               judgement or agenda

Maybe you suffer from subconscious fears, negative emotions or past experiences sabotaging you?  Do you feel stuck?


Are you aware of your thoughts on a daily basis? Do they help you on your way to the solution, or do your thoughts keep you away from it?

Would you like more energy, radiance, and vitality?

A completely different relationship

with your body?

                 Are you a working hard person

                       a real go-getter?


                You are a 'don't complain' but

                           let's go and

                         do this person'?


                      Action, action, action!     


               Have you tried hard already?

                       That is all in mind…

I’ve got news for you.. You are putting way too much effort, trying too hard , because it has a limited way that is taking all your energy. 

Go getting and fixing is Male (Warrior) energy.

Taking it easy and I am the beautiful flower, I am here.

Come and get me.

Is Feminine (Lover) energy.

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This trajectory of 4 to 6 weeks consists of:


A live intake interview with me for the first steps towards clarifying your goals and the situation you want to change.


A subsequent first session, which takes the first steps towards awareness.


A life changing tool that you can use anytime and anywhere, also to relieve stress and tension. 


Supporting assignments to practice with at home.


A second session where attention is paid to the changes, awareness, thinking and doing.


Guidance and login code to your subconscious. 

A third session to gain deeper insight into your system and underlying layers.

Full Whats-app support during the process.

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